BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About searches > Working with collections > Viewing a collection

Viewing a collection

Collections appear in Meridian as a view in the Views list, similar to Navigation views.

To view a collection:


Note    Collections created in a different time zone and based on search criteria that include a literal date comparison may show unexpected results. This is because of the difference in time zones between where the collection was created and where it is viewed. Date comparisons that use variables like %CURRENTDATE% are not affected.

Tip    Collection views can be filtered and manipulated like other Navigation views as described in Working with Navigation views.

Related concepts

About searches

Working with collections

Related tasks

Saving searches as collections

Configuring a dynamic collection

Deleting a collection

Using Key Find

Using Quick Find

Using Find

Related information

Name Type options

More Criteria options

Object types options

References options

Search Settings options

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